
Alexander Averin

Friday 24 May 2013

On a Full Moon in May

Notes of a Therapist Part II

Our next meeting was on a night of a
Full May Moon, the time when the  planet’s
pull brings feelings bubbling to the surface.
For me it bode well, for her it was time
to broach her childhood; how would she describe it?
Were there things only a few knew that she
could and would willingly reveal to me?
Childhood was a storehouse of secrets she said
for she'd lived amidst a labyrinth of lies.
I asked how she'd coped.  She laughed because I
had for once made the therapist’s classic
mistake but she was kind and humoured me.
Sweet solitude was her saviour, she said,
along with music and learning and a
solid self-reliance. She said she read
all the time and she wrote copiously.
Books became friends and animals her constant
companions. She even talked to flies and
could make them leave a room (if she asked nicely).
I laughed until she told me Uri Geller
used to do the same. Laughter had loosened
us both.  Tissues for once were cast aside.

Cait O’Connor


 (Part 1 can be found here).



Mac n' Janet said...

Loved it, could Uri really do that?

Cait O'Connor said...

Yes he could!

Pondside said...

I liked this second installment very much!

e said...

This was wonderful and I loved the photo with it as well.

SAS said...

Cait, you just turned the key on my storehouse.

Thank you for sharing your love of John O'Donohue. I may love him more. What amazing words of wisdom to LIVE by.

I really need to find my Anam Cara; desperately.

love, from a member of the O'Connor clan.

Cait O'Connor said...

Yes SAS I need to find my Anam Cara too. What a great loss was John's passing. So good to hear from one of my clan, thanks for calling by.

Elizabeth said...

I loved that in the poem the two cast aside roles and were together.

Frances said...

Cait, hello from another admirer of full moons.

Thank you for the poetry. I've returned to read it several times. xo