
Alexander Averin

Sunday, 15 June 2014

Not To Be Reproduced

Rene Magritte 1937

Not To Be Reproduced

Like Plath, I too often mused on mirrors,
Like Alice, I  wandered  from Wonderland
into a looking-glass world of magic.
I came upon an image, surreal,
an enigma framed in gilt, dressed in brown.
Here was a man too neat, too still, but with
silken hair inclined to curl . Upon the
mantel I spied a book and felt it was
like him, adventurous of mind, well worn,
a much loved mystery and better written
in the finest French. Gazing, tuning in,
I sensed another poet-soul, a dreamer,
self effacing, illuminated always
from behind but  hiding his reflections
except in unleashed poems on the page.

Cait O’Connor

This is for Magpie Tales, more can be found here


Gail said...

This is what I wish I could say. Great.

Anonymous said...

Lovely. Some of us find it hard to reveal our true selves, unless unleashed on the page...

Jinksy said...

I like the slightly fey feeling of this poem...

brudberg said...

walking into the mirrors these are what I typically meet to.. take care inside that enigmatic world... there are many being stuck

Truedessa said...

I enjoyed your magical poem..

Nina Milton said...

lovely poem, Cait

Unknown said...

great imagination cait!! i loved your poem!!

Helen said...

Awesome poetry!

Eddie Bluelights said...

Just as if his refection will not come true except in his poetry.
Loved the piece and thanks for calling ~ Eddie

Eddie Bluelights said...

Thanks for you comment at my place Cait.
btw I can't send the poem because it was all in my imagination.
Hope to see you again next week ~ Eddie

hyperCRYPTICal said...

Anna :o]

Silent Otto said...

There is love , there is va va voom ...good one

Unknown said...


This is beautiful! Such a lovely, heartfelt description of the complexity of a poet.

Thank you for sharing and thank you for stopping by and reading my post.


Belva Rae Staples said...

This is beautiful! Your blog design is gorgeous by the way!

Procrastinator extraodinaire said...

Wonderful as usual.. I noticed you mention Joseph O'Conner coincidentally I am just about to start reading Star of the Sea.

Mary said...

'Adventurous of mind' ... like that. Enjoyed your clever images. Great poem Cait.