
Sunday, 27 November 2011

Last night my dreams found me

Last night my dreams found me

Last night my dreams found me
and sent me on horseback, solitary but safe.
Two Connemara ponies carried me across Irish mountains,
one horse was the purest grey, one black,
one for my baggage, one for my glad heart alone.

(No swimming for me in deep rivers, not waving but drowning in seas).

I wonder how in your dreams will you travel, on the wings of which bird will you fly?
(Or will you develop your own?).

Will you perch in the pocket of a fairy or travel tucked behind an angel’s wing?
Will you be cwched warmly in the trap of a pony
or, like Mary, will you sit on the back of a donkey
with one special brave knight leading the way?

Will you play, will you sing, will you dance there with music?
Or will you ride in a vardo with Romance and just a poem to brighten each day?
Will you venture by footfall by day or will you stroll in the dead of a night
under the spell of a bright Harvest Moon?

Or will you meander your way at your leisure
in the shade of a sun, in an autumn
which spreads out your smile with its gold?

I just pray you are not over-burdened;
greed, hatred and envy can carry a toll.

Only love truly lightens your journey,
helps all your dreams  find you,
lift you and bring you safe home.

Cait O’Connor


  1. Such beautiful writing, Cait.

    my favorite lines come at the end:

    I just pray you are not over-burdened;greed, hatred and envy can carry a toll.

    Only love truly lightens your journey,helps all your dreams find you,lift you and bring you safe home.

    I pray the same is true for you!

  2. I had a Connemara pony for many years. it broke my heart when I parted with her, but I remember her with great affection.

  3. Such dreams are not my lot. How wonderful for you.
    And how wonderful to be able to make such a sweet poem out of them.

  4. How do I travel in my dreams? It's an interesting question. I know in my dreams I can take a step but delay placing my foot on the ground and as my other foot has already left the ground I float. So then I can take bigger and bigger steps and I watch the ground fleeing underneath me while i am waiting to put my foot down. You'd think I would catch it on something, wouldn't you? A tree, a hedge, a house, but it always only grass. I have to concentrate though for it is the power of thought that keeps me airborne. And thus do I travel in my dreams.

  5. Beautiful. I don't have such dreams either, but I am glad that you do, and that they bring out the poetry. Thank you.

  6. This is funny Cait don't know any other way to contact you. On twitter I am @foxglovelane is that what you meant?

  7. How wonderful to find your blog after you found mine - I'm an O'Connor a long way from Ireland, I'm afraid but my daughter's name is Caitlin :)

    I love your piece - the image of the two horses is so resonant - and I enjoyed the allusion to Stevie Smith's poem 'Not Waving but Drowning'.

  8. Cait, what a beautiful poem, and the photos are so evocative too. X

  9. Truly beautiful poem Cait, have you thought of writing that book of poems yet Cait? you are such a wonderful writer.


  10. Truly beautiful poem Cait, have you thought of writing that book of poems yet Cait? you are such a wonderful writer.



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