Dear Diary,
Worry not. It’s a really short one today.
It’s a New Moon! The sap is rising and it is a time for growth so it’s meant to be the best time for sowing seeds and carrying out planting or potting. Not a good time to prune though as the plants and trees ‘bleed’ more. Grass is meant to grow well now, but perhaps not in the current weather. (I know the farmers round here would be very pleased to see some green shoots as they have not been showing recently!).

The New Moon is supposed to be a favourable time for our bodies to be both strengthened and revitalised. It is a time to be healed. You may feel tired but it is the body telling you to rest or relax more in order for these restorative qualities to manifest. Sounds good to me. Any excuse for a little lie down. Don’t worry if you feel this way. You will feel more energetic during the waning moon.
Wounds bleed more heavily as the Full Moon nears. Animals born at this time are stronger than those born in the waning phase.
On the plus side for us, it is a good time to be creative and there is real magic in this period which leads up to the Full Moon. You may feel the rise of returning energy along with the swelling and the growing of the Moon.

Before I go here’s a song to cheer you, it’s Andrea Corr and Bono singing live. Not new but a good one. Summer Wine. Now that’s something to look forward to……… summer and wine…….
Bye for now,
Go mbeannai Dia duit,
My dad, the farmer, conducted his business according to the good old Farmer's Almanac. He swore by it and was considered a better than average farmer. Interesting stuff.
That was a great post, Cait. I believe in gardening by the Moon Calendar. Loved the song, thanks for that!
Fascinating stuff and very true loved the song thanks xx
Magical moon! Thanks for that 2nd pic Cait, so beautiful and mysterious.
Interesting stuff, many people run their whole lives by the moon - biodynamics is very much on the rise. Interesting what you say about health , I shall keep a diary and see how that compares to what mine is like as I do have peeks and troughs, just never thought about moon phases. Very interesting indeed, thanks for sharing it xx
I am feeling run-down after a spot of virus, so your words are encouraging - thank you, Cait! Lovely thoughts as always.
I keep looking at our grass and although the evidence is there that it is trying to grow it still remains short . .need more sun.
I have never really paid that much attention to the moon in relation to what is going on around me . . .really fascinating stuff.
I can't see the video - which is a shame as I am a Bono fan.
we'll have to wait for the next new moon, or maybe the one after that, before we plant anything. the ground is still too cold.
loved that video. loved it! thanks.
It all makes so much sense, doesn't it? I'll have to pay more attention to the moon now.
It was the country way to plant according to the moon, but from the state of my soil after the snow I wont't be sowing any seeds for a while...
Stuff is a growin' in my garden.. Buds a burstin and cats a pooin'... Forgot to prune me roses so they're looking a bit raggy arsed!!!! Oh, I'm in love with ms corr......
I love your mon blogs Cait. Definitely having an energy slump this afternoon, but feel encouraged by your words xx
Ah Cait, I do hope you're right - in desperate need of some healing and creativity (mine seems to have packed its bag and puggered off to the Costa Brava on a cheap package).....
Love the idea of moon phases.....there is a great book Moon Time (I think) by two German writers about working with the phases of the moon. Or, of course, the old Dion Fortune Moon Magic, for a very different take on moonwork.
What a great blog. Having read into the past I have found lots of interest. I devoured your thoughts on compost a kindred spirit here. Today's post on the waxing of the moon has made me realise that I sowed my seeds a few days too early. I shall vist again.
Summer and wine ... can't wait!
Loved that video. Thanks:-)
Great Blog Cait, I love the Moon phases. Loved the song, beautiful voice.
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